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The Soldier Lake National Forest Campground and Day Use area provide access to nearly all sides of Soldier Lake, this small secluded body of water hosts a variety of songbirds and waterbirds. Access Soldier Lake by driving 32 miles east of Newberry on M-28 or 22.4 miles west of I-75 on M-28 if coming from Sault Ste. Marie. Watch for the Soldier Lake Campground sign before turning down the Forest Service Road 3138. Follow the entrance road half a mile before turning for either the campground or day use area (pit toilets are available here). You may walk or drive through the campground but please respect occupied sites. The day use area provides great views of the water and offers more forest to explore as well as a picnic shelter with a fireplace.

Soldier Lake National Forest Campground

Trout Lake and Raco Area

Birding Information

Soldier Lake is most popular for nightjars, such as common nighthawks and eastern whip-poor-wills, which can be common here. Listen for their calls at dawn and dusk. Belted kingfishers and spotted sandpipers frequent the shores of the lake and common loons, hooded mergansers, and buffleheads can be spotted on the open water. The mixed forest of jack pine, red pine, birch and aspen can attract bay-breasted, Cape May and blackpoll warblers during migration and provide breeding habitat for pine, Nashville, blackburnian and black-throated green warblers through the summer. Keep an eye out for red crossbills feeding in the canopy of pine trees and listen for the distinctive "whew" calls of the evening grosbeaks.

Area Information

The Soldier Lake Campground is open from mid-May through September 30. Visitors can enjoy canoeing, kayaking and fishing on the lake. The nearby jack pine barrens proliferate with wild blueberries, which ripen between late-July and mid-August. Access to the North Country National Scenic Trail is just off the parking area and offers 4600 miles of pathway from New York to North Dakota and traverses through the Upper Peninsula.





Road Birding


Hiking Trails

Yes, Access to the North Country National Scenic Trail

Viewing Platform


Winter Access


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