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Take M-28 east from Newberry for 15.4 miles and turn south (right) on Basnau Road (you will go over the Hendrie River just before your right turn), the Hulbert Bog is a short distance down the road. Basnau Road is a gravel road, plowed in winter, and is usually in good shape and passable with a two-wheel drive vehicle.

Hulbert Bog

Newberry Area

Birding Information

Although confirmed sightings have become irregular in recent years, Hulbert Bog has been the best location in the Eastern Upper Peninsula for recurring Canada jay and possibly boreal chickadee sightings. In the winter and early spring, the road can turn up pine grosbeak, red crossbill and Bohemian waxwing. Visit in the evening and listen for barred and northern saw-whet owls. While somewhat less productive in summer months, magnolia warblers, blackburnian warblers, scarlet tanagers and Lincoln's sparrows can be found breeding. The wet nature of the forest and surrounding bog attract American woodcock, American bittern and Wilson's snipe. It is best to bird this road with intermittent stops and walking sections of the road.

Area Information

As birding interest as this site has increased, some visitors have tried luring birds to the road edge with suet feeders and have left trash afterwards. Please be mindful that this is state owned land and remove your trash, and empty suet bags or feeders temporarily hung.





Road Birding


Hiking Trails


Viewing Platform


Winter Access



eBird Hotspot:

Hulbert Bog

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