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Both Dick and Ranger Roads pass through pine barrens of red and jack pines intermixed with birch and intermittent low spots of alder and aspen. Dick Road (also called USFS 3139) is south of M-28 11.8 miles east of Hulbert or 25.5 miles west of I-75. Ranger Road (also called USFS 3154) is north of M-28 20 miles east of Hulbert or 17.5 miles west of I-75. Birding is best done by driving sections of the road and stopping to walk or listen.

Dick Road and Ranger Road

Trout Lake and Raco Area

Birding Information

Brown creepers, pine and Nashville warblers and hermit thrush are common in this habitat type. The calls of magnolia and blackburnian warblers can be heard during spring migration. In the spring and summer purple finch can be found breeding here. Indigo buntings, red-eyed and blue-headed vireos sing throughout the heat of summer. The incessant "chi-bek" call of least flycatchers can be heard from within the understory accompanied by eastern wood-pewees. In low areas and thickets listen for common yellowthroats, American redstarts and eastern phoebes. In the jack pine habitat spruce grouse can be found, particularly along Dick Road. Nightjars remain common in this area and the "peent" call of common nighthawks signals its presence overhead. In open areas watch for brown thrashers, American kestrels and sharp-tailed grouse. Recent controlled burns have also created habitat favorable for black-backed woodpeckers and a few breeding sites have been found in the last few years.

Area Information

U.S. Forest Service land managers use a variety of vegetation management activities, such as timber harvest and low intensity prescribed fire, to mimic natural and historic wildfire patterns. These practices benefit native warm season grasses, oak, jack pine and blueberry, all species native to the pine barrens ecosystem. Introducing prescribed fire has many potential benefits, it can help maintain wildlife habitat, reduce certain pests (for example, ticks) and reduce hazardous fuel loads and reduce the risk of wildfire - not to mention improving blueberry and morel mushroom harvests!





Road Birding


Hiking Trails


Viewing Platform


Winter Access



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