If traveling south on M-123 from M-28 about 11 miles, turn left at the main intersection in Trout Lake. After just 400 feet, turn right down an unmarked gravel road (West Bulk Plant Road) along the log yard. Here a small sign designating the Anna Badgley Little Trout Lake Nature Preserve is posted. Continue down the gravel road for 0.3 mile to a parking area and lake access. The preserve is located on the smallest and northernmost of the Trout Lakes.
Anna Badgley Little Trout Lake Nature Preserve
Trout Lake and Raco Area
Birding Information
Little Trout Lake is secluded despite its close proximity to town. The shrubby shores of alders and willow provide perfect habitat for American redstarts, common yellowthroats and yellow warblers. Cedar waxwings, red-dyed vireos and indigo buntings breed in the adjacent forest and can be heard throughout the summer. Listen for the ringing songs of the swamp sparrows along the shoreline. The open water provides a stopover point for pied-billed grebes, wood ducks, ring-necked ducks and hooded mergansers. Bald eagles and ospreys are occasional visitors to the lake. The lake provides a welcome alternative for resident waterfowl during the summer when adjacent lakes get busy with human activity.
Area Information
The Anna Badgley Little Trout Like Nature Preserve is open to fishing but campfires are prohibited. There are plans to improve the dock and potential trail access so watch for future upgrades.
Road Birding
Hiking Trails
Viewing Platform
Winter Access